Postal Code Cambodia: All Provinces

We have compile all the postal code in Cambodia so that you can find it for all 24 provinces and 1 capital city of Cambodia. As you might know, postal code has been useful for post office to delivery package to the right address. Correct postal code, it means you will get to the right delivery address.

Cambodia postal code is based on 5-digit postal code. Each province has it own starting number of the postal code. They have one general post office code which is 12000. For Phnom Penh, the 2 first digit is 12.

Postal Code Cambodia: The first 2-digit

Below is the list of provinces and a capital of Cambodia along with 2-digit use in the postal code that represent them. The tricky is the 2-digit of the postal code is mostly given based on the alphabetic order of the province name except for new provinces.
  2. BATTAMBANG / 02
  3. KAMPONG CHAM / 03
  5. KAMPONG SPEU / 05
  6. KAMPONG THOM / 06
  7. KAMPOT / 07
  8. KANDAL / 08
  9. KEP / 22
  10. KOH KONG / 09
  11. KRATIE / 10
  12. MONDULKIRI / 11
  14. PAILIN / 23
  15. PHNOM PENH / 12
  16. PREAH VIHEAR / 13
  17. PREY VENG / 14
  18. PURSAT / 15
  19. RATANAKIRI / 16
  20. SIEM REAP / 17
  22. STUNG TRENG / 19
  23. SVAY RIENG / 20
  24. TAKEO / 21
  25. TBAUNG KHMUM / 25

Only Province & Capital use it

Even all the provinces and capital city have their own postal code, however, only few provinces in which local people are using and have knowledge on the existence of the postal code. 

Most people in the capital like Phnom Penh, and provinces like Siem Reap and Sihanoukville have used it. This is because they understand the use of this code.

For foreigner, khmer code postal has been widely use. For your information, postal and express delivery company like DHL, started use postal code Cambodia in 2016.

Check out all postal code Cambodia

The website cambodism is implementing the list of all postal codes that you can easily find it. Let's check out how they are implemented.

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