Cambodia Country Code

Area Code has been used on telephone as their number structure for over many years. The Cambodia country code is 855, and 023 as Phnom Penh area code. The country code will allow people to call to Cambodia from another country in the world. To call to someone in Cambodia, you need to dial 855 then follow the area code.

It is important to know the area code so that we can dial to someone in Cambodia correctly. Below, you can find the list of local area code for Cambodia. However, please remember that Cambodia country code is 855.

List of Cambodia Local Area Code

  • Cambodia Country Code855
  • Phnom Penh 023
  • Siem Reap 063
  • Sihanoukville 034
  • Svay Rieng 044
  • Battambang 053
  • Banteay Meanchey 054
  • Kampong Cham 042
  • Kampong Thom 062
  • Kampong Speu 025
  • Kampong Chhnang 026
  • Kampot 033
  • Kratie 072
  • Koh Kong 035
  • Prey Veng 043
  • Pursat 052
  • Pailin055
  • Preah Vihear 064
  • Stung Treng 074
  • Takeo 032
  • Mondulkiri 073
  • Ratanakiri 075
  • Kep 036
  • Kandal 024
  • Uddar Meanchey 065

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